And now you are two. You don't really understand this. Until yesterday, "birthday" was synonymous with "Diego Cake." (I blame your brothers for this, and their tendency to plan holidays, in this case, their own birthdays, months in advance.) However, with a present to start the day, strawberry pancakes for breakfast, cake and more presents after lunch, and one of your favorite meals for dinner, I think you've realized there is more to birthdays than just cake. The cake turned out pretty sweet though. You were thrilled. =)

You have developed your own opinion about clothes, food and well, pretty much everything a lot sooner than your brothers. It's thrown Mommy sometimes, but it's a good thing. This also means you're communicating sooner, or at least trying to. In the last couple of months, your language has really taken off, and it's been so fun to see. Not that you weren't talking before, you're just getting easier to understand.
In you, Daddy has found his little sports fan. You'll bring him the remote and ask "Watch Hockey?" or "Watch Golf?" Today, you cried when we wouldn't let you take your new golf set to church. You love your Daddy, and want to do whatever you see him doing.
This last year has brought so many adventures, and you have weathered them with amazing aplomb. We took you on a three day marathon road trip across the country, and until the last half of the third day, you did it really really well. Of course, by that point, we were all done with the car. It wasn't just you.
While we were in Utah, you learned to walk, and to climb. You proceeded to keep Mommy on her toes, and follow your brothers everywhere you could. Neither of those has slowed down in the slightest.

You found another outlet for your attention though, when your little sister joined us six months ago. We weren't sure you understood what was going on, but the minute you saw her, our worries were wiped away. You walked right up to her and said: "Baby! Sister!" and gave her a big kiss. You hadn't kissed anyone before that day (not for lack of trying on Mommy's part.) You adore her, and she you. I look forward to seeing your friendship blossom as you both continue to grow.

I am so grateful that you are in our lives little man. I look forward to the adventures this next year will bring.

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